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We run your Unifi Wifi system with a cloud controller and provide the regular maintenance and update for your network.
Having many sites on our cloud controller, we can greatly reduce the time to manage the environment and easily keep it up-to-date.

We also offer Wifi systems form brands Ubiquiti, Zyxel and Ruckus with on-site controller.

Our Service

  • Implementation and configuration, updates
  • Numerous Ubiquti networks created with our installer-electrician partners (> 100 sites)
  • Also in Mesh mode (network extension without cables)
  • Remote update and monitoring
  • Continuous performance measurement (Pinger monitoring tool)
  • Installation of a local controller or in the cloud to manage your network of Unifii terminals. Solution for several sites.
  • Python3 program on Windows to automatically search for and announce Unifis access points  and switches to Cloud controller

Our customers:

  • Hotel Phénix in Verbier, 8 terminals Ubiquitis with controller in the Cloud
  • Restaurant Le Carrefour, Zyxel terminals and Hotspot UAG 4100, VLANs
  • Vanessa Hotel, 18 Ruckus terminals with local controller, VLANs
  • Zyxel Controller Kobolds Chalet and Zyxel Access Point
  • Chalet Hurlebise, 7 terminals Ubiquiti UaP-Light, controller in the Cloud
  • Hotel and Residence Mirabeau, managed wifi with cloud controller
  • Hotel de la Poste, cloud controller, managed wifi with cloud controller
  • Numerous Ubiquti networks realized with our installer-electricians and partners - also Wireless extension (Mesh): More than 300 access point in Service !


Ruckus controller - Zone Director - automatic management of access points